The mind is a very powerful thing and the more that employees begin to tell themselves that something can’t be done, the more they will ensure that it won’t get done. Without overlooking at reasonable facts and figures, challenge your employees to be positive and be focused on the “how to get it done”, rather than the “why it can’t be done”.
Challenge Your Employees to Be Positive. They may very well have legitimate reasons why they oppose an idea or don’t think something can be done, but be on the lookout and determine if this is a tendency for this particular employee or just a one-time occurrence. Identify who are the nay-sayers and the excuse-makers. Here are some suggestions for avoiding negative attitudes in the workplace. It involves changing the way you run your business. The good news is that there’s a solution to negative attitudes at the workplace. And lastly, negativity in the workplace is downright unpleasant-for everyone!Īs mentioned previously, this affects office morale and can ultimately result in a lack of employee product and employee loyalty. Whatever they can validate as to why something can’t be done, negative emotions is sure to validate that feeling. People begin to point fingers at their own past, at other people, at the government, at the economy, etc. It’s easy to find an excuse or reason why something can’t be done or controlled. How quick are you to brush off a compliment? But, how quick are you to be offended or bothered when someone criticizes you? Negative emotions can lead to validation. Negative emotions are also accepted much quicker than positive ones. From rumors, scandals and every other kind of workplace sabotage, negative emotions can spiral a company completely out of control if not monitored properly. Now, when you look at negative emotions, it’s first important to note that negative emotions are more contagious than positive ones. Positive emotions encourage innovation and collaboration, which spawns a great deal of intangible wealth to any company. Last, but certainly not least, positive emotions can lead to a great deal of creativity which is a huge asset to any company. Negative thinking can be a natural tendency and for the all-or-nothing thinkers, once one thing goes bad, seemingly the entire world is falling apart. For many people, positive feelings require a great deal of attention and focus. Further, positive emotions require more deliberate attention. Humans have a tendency to long to be around positivity, so a fun and positive work environment is sure to increase loyalty, as well as production. Positive emotions are definitely more attractive. Let’s be positive and focus on the positive emotions first.
What’s important to note is the difference between the negative and positive emotions. Much research has shown that emotion can be contagious, particularly in group settings. Understanding the power that negative attitudes have in the workplace and how that then affects the morale of everyone else and ultimately the productivity and efficiency of the company is extremely important.